A Little Friend

Specially designed to take advantage of visionOS’ unique capabilities, Wisp World was one of the first innovative spatial computing apps available at the launch of the Apple Vision Pro.

It’s a beautifully crafted AR ornament for your desk and the home of a tiny forest spirit. An artificially intelligent tamagotchi for the new century, you can take care of your new friend and also engage in full conversations that help your plants grow.

Welcome To Wisp World

Wisp inhabits the same universe as Overbeast (another Skillbard/Liquid City collaboration) drawing from its rich lore and soundscape. But Wisp offers a vastly different experience. Though built upon Overbeast's sonic foundation, we swapped, adapted, and extended our original assets to match Wisps new, ultra-chill atmosphere.

We also gave our hero, Pol, a voice:

Our biggest challenge was the secrecy surrounding the new tech. Being one of the very first teams lucky enough to get our hands on a prototype meant we were flying blind – no standards, no precedents, not even a help file! Relying on experience and core principles alone, it's a bit of a mystery how we pulled it off at all. But we did.

Music and Sound


Directed by

Jasper Stevens
Keiichi Matsuda

Produced by

Waiming Wee
Emilie Dubois


Liquid City